About Michelle

Over the last almost 30yrs, I have been on a journey back home to myself with yoga, Buddhist meditation, pranayama, mantra and Ayurvedic wisdom. I now want to share these tools with you to optimise your health, and bring you into mind-body-spirit balance.

I first began practising yoga almost 30yrs ago whilst an undergraduate, to help recover from a stress-related illness. I was very disconnected from my body, and the practices helped me bring more awareness to my inner landscape. I started meditating about 15yrs ago, and have been blown away by its effects.

My yoga practice currently includes vinyasa flow, restorative and yin, and yoga nidra. My spiritual practice has the complementary strands of yoga and Vajrayana Buddhism, and I took my refuge vows (lay ordination) with Lama Tsultrim Allione of Tara Mandala. My refuge name is Yeshe Lhatso, which means Divine Lake of Primordial Wisdom. I am in Magyu: The Mother Lineage at Tara Mandala. My Buddhist practice infuses all of my offerings.

My education and training has spanned Eastern and Western approaches to mind-body medicine, in the form of degrees in Psychology, Nursing and a Masters in Buddhist Studies. I am currently almost finished my 300hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training at The Shala with specialisms in yoga nidra, yin yoga, restorative yoga, pranayama and yogic philosophy. I am a perpetual student, and love to learn. You can read more about my current and past trainings and qualifications here.

My passion is women’s health. I draw on my background as a former Clinical Nurse Specialist in the NHS in Gynaecology, which gives me an awareness of Western medical disease models, diagnostics and treatments. My training in feminine-form Ayurveda with the Shakti School informs my offerings in the realm of menopause, perimenopause and women’s health generally.

I offer 1 to 1 Ayurveda Health Counselling and Lifestyle Coaching for everyone, but particularly enjoy focusing on all aspects of women’s health.

Read my Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion statement here.


I pay homage to the following teachers, whom I have learned and continue to learn a great deal from:

Lama Tsultrim Allione

Pieter Oosthuizen

Magyu Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam

Lopön Chandra Easton

Polly Ryan

Norman Blair

Jennie Wadsten

Melanie Cooper

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

Katie Silcox

Mitle Southey

Katie Abbott

Adelene Cheong