Living “deeply” means being able to access all the different layers of our being, in yogic philosophy this is called the five koshas. This intersects with the five elements and the various practices offered:

Annamaya Kosha - the physical, food body (earth element):

food + diet, yoga asana for your dosha + the climate + season, herbal support

Pranamaya Kosha - energy (pranic) body of radiant vibration (water element): pranayama (yogic breathwork), other energetic practices.

Manomaya Kosha - the mind at the level of feeling and emotion (fire element): shadow work, awareness practices

Vijnanamaya Kosha - the mind at the level of the body of intellect, thoughts, beliefs, memories, images (air element):

shadow work + integration

Anandamaya Kosha - body of joy, bliss and love (space element):

meditation and deep rest.

Human beings consist of a material body built from the food they eat. Those who care for this body are nourished by the universe itself.

Inside this is another body made of life energy. It fills the physical body and takes its shape. Those who treat this vital force as divine experience excellent health and longevity because this energy is the source of physical life.

Within the vital force is yet another body, this one made of thought energy. It fills the two denser bodies and has the same shape. Those who understand and control the mental body are no longer afflicted by fear.

Deeper still lies another body comprised of intellect. It permeates the three denser bodies and assumes the same form. Those who establish their awareness here free themselves from unhealthy thoughts and actions, and develop the self-control necessary to achieve their goals.

Hidden inside it is yet a subtler body, composed of pure joy. It pervades the other bodies and shares the same shape. It is experienced as happiness, delight, and bliss.
— Taittiriya Upanishad

Ayurveda Health Counselling and Lifestyle Coaching can help with:

  • alleviation of stress + anxiety

  • loss of purpose and meaning in life

  • digestive issues

  • menstrual issues - such as mood swings, heavy periods, irregular cycles, amenorrhea, PMS

  • fertility issues

  • symptoms of perimenopause - such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, fatigue, brain fog, emotional support and bone health

  • improving health and vitality

  • inflammatory conditions

  • supporting you holistically while undergoing conventional medical treatments

Inner Alchemy - Living Deeply through Yoga + Ayurveda

A 6 month individual online coaching package diving deep into every aspect

of being:

  • Full Ayurvedic assessment of your unique constitution and current state of imbalance

  • An individualised and holistic blueprint for bringing yourself back into


  • Yogic asana (physical posture) practices such as flow yoga, yin yoga,

    restorative yoga, well woman yoga as appropriate

  • Pranayama (yogic breathwork) practices as appropriate

  • Meditations

  • Personalised yoga nidra

  • Two follow-up Ayurveda coaching sessions per month

  • Two Feeding Your Demons shadow-work sessions per month

  • Coaching on finding more meaning and joy in life, through the lens of the purusharthas, or four aims of life. They are dharma (duty, ethics), artha (prosperity, wealth), kama (pleasure, sensual gratification), and moksha (the pursuit of liberation). 

  • Optional journaling “homework” in between sessions

  • Optional extra support via WhatsApp / email in between sessions

My approach is deeply informed by yogic and Buddhist philosophy, tantra, and feminine-form medicine.

Ayurveda is a holistic science of total mind, body, spirit wellness, which teaches us to tune into our own inner healer. Ayurvedic medicine shows us the world as it relates to the elements, the qualities within those elements, and how to balance them in our bodies, minds and emotions. Ayurveda is a truly holistic philosophy, taking the whole person into account - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions and how they contribute to one’s current state of imbalance.

Ayurveda looks at the root cause of any imbalances, and digestive health is a big part of this, whatever your symptoms are. In Ayurveda we treat the root cause as well as the symptoms.

Inner Alchemy - Living Deeply with Yoga + Ayurveda: a 6 month 1-2-1 coaching package

Step 1: Intake Consultation (90-120 min)

Your journey begins with an in-depth discussion of your past and current medical history, including physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.

Step 2: Your Unique Blueprint (90min)

In a second in-depth appointment, I will discuss your unique constitution, and current state of imbalance. You will receive an initial protocol to begin the healing process. This will include my recommendations for diet, herbal formulations, and lifestyle practices such as daily routines, yoga, meditation and breathwork.

Step 3: two monthly Ayurveda follow-up sessions (60-75min each)

We will meet twice per month to discuss your progress and to integrate further lifestyle modifications. New practices and suggestions will be added as appropriate.

+ two monthly Feeding Your Demons shadow-work processes (30-60 min each)

Feeding Your Demons is an accessible and effective secular approach for dealing with negative emotions, fears, illnesses, and self-defeating patterns. It was distilled by Lama Tsultrim Allione from the teachings and practice of the 11th-century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön and combines this with approaches from Jungian and Gestalt psychology. Read more about it here.

Also included: optional email / WhatsApp support in between sessions, + optional journalling and self-reflection “homework” between sessions.


As I work to become more equitable, diverse and inclusive, pricing guidelines are intended to be a map, inviting each of us to take inventory of resources that contribute to our access to precious Ayurvedic wisdom and other teachings. While I do ask you to look inward, please know there is no right or wrong answer. I encourage you to select the range/rate appropriate to your circumstances.

Generosity Range - £1700 - £2000

Sustainability Range - £1300 - £1699

Accessibility Range - £999 - £1299

All payments can either be paid up front or monthly / weekly installments.

GENEROSITY RANGE - £1700 - £2000

Choose an amount within this range if you have the financial security and capacity to support this work at a higher level. The contributions I receive within this range make it possible for me to offer a below-cost Access Range to those with a limited income.

 This range is for you if you:

  • Own your own home and live comfortably without financial worry

  • Have investments and savings 

  • Easily have access to money in times of need or emergencies

  • Have the desire to support the growth and healing of others


Choose an amount within this range if you have the financial capacity to sustain my ability to offer high-quality coaching to others in need. The contributions I gratefully receive within this range enable me to offer accessible prices while covering the basic programme costs. 

 This range is for you if you:

  • Have the capacity to meet your basic financial needs

  • Make your rent or mortgage and other monthly payments 

  • Are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself

  • Can afford to take trips and go on retreats

ACCESS RANGE  £999 - £1299

Choose an amount within this range if you have limited financial capacity or are currently experiencing financial hardship. The contributions I gratefully receive within this range go toward covering costs and are supported by contributions of those who choose the Generosity Range.

 This range is for you if you:

  • Have difficulty meeting your basic financial needs 

  • Are experiencing housing, employment, or income instability

  • Live paycheck-to-paycheck and and lack money in times of need

  • Face challenges due to devaluation of your currency against the UK pound. 

  • all sessions take place over Zoom

  • Please note that I generally do not see clients for just a one-off consultation as a large part of my role as an Ayurvedic lifestyle coach is helping you to make changes gradually, and problem-solving so that they become second nature and part of your every day life.

  • Do get in touch for a chat about how I work and to see if we’d be a good match to work together.

I am a qualified Ayurveda Health Counsellor + Lifestyle Coach and former Clinical Nurse Specialist in Oncology in the NHS. I have over 600hrs of training in Ayurveda, Tantra and Feminine Form Medicine, and over 500hrs of training in Yoga (including flow, yin, restorative, pranayama, Menopause Yoga, philosophy, nidra, and well woman yoga therapy). I also have a Masters degree in Buddhist Philosophy.

Read more about me and my qualifications here.

What’s Next?

Book a free 20min chat over Zoom to discuss whether Ayurveda is a good fit for your issues, and to allow us to get to know each other a little better.

Cancellation policy:

You may cancel or reschedule a booking up to 24 hrs before the class / appointment time. If within 24 hrs of the session, I am unable to offer a refund. Unused class passes are non-refundable.

Thank you for your understanding.