Buddhist Book Club

Online Buddhist Book Club

This is a monthly gathering for anyone interested in reading books about Buddhism, Buddhist philosophy and how to live a better life. You do not need to identify as a Buddhist or belong to any particular organisation to join.

We gather monthly on the last Monday of the month on Zoom from 7.30 - 9pm UK time.

We generally read about 100 pages per month, meaning we take 1-3 months on average to read each book. This allows us to dive deeper.

Each session starts with 5-10 min of meditation, followed by facilitated discussion. The group is run a little like a sharing circle, so there are no interruptions when someone is talking, and we do not give advice, we just share from our own experience. There is no obligation to speak or share, if you do not feel comfortable.

We will begin on Monday 30th September with our first book (see below for details).

Our Next Book:

Reflections on Silver River: Tokmé Zongpo's Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva by Ken McLeod

In Mahāyāna Buddhism, a bodhisattva refers to anyone who has generated bodhicitta, a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva is one of the most revered and loved texts in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. While this text has been translated many times, Ken McLeod's plain and simple English beautifully reflects the simplicity and directness of the original Tibetan. McLeod's commentary is full of striking images, provocative questions and inspiring descriptions of what it means to be awake and present in your life. Practical instruction, brief and to the point, is found in each of the verse commentaries, providing straightforward responses to the question, "How do I practice this?" McLeod is clearly writing from his own experience. Yet, instead of anecdotes and personal history, he challenges the reader to engage various scenarios, and consider how compassion, clarity, presence and balance could take expression in his or her life.

We will read this book over two sessions, reading to the end of p.84 for our September session, and then read to the end for October’s meet.

Sessions are as follows:

Monday September 30th 7.30pm - 9pm

Monday October 28th 7.30pm - 9pm



The Book Club is run on the Buddhist principle of dana, or generosity. There is a suggested donation of £5 per session. It is requested that you offer dana up front, to cover all of the sessions for the current book. I have tried to keep the costs as low as possible in the interests of inclusivity, whilst still honouring my time and efforts in preparing for and facilitating the sessions.


To journey through each book together as a cohort, it is requested that you sign up for all of the sessions associated with the current book (usually between 1 and 3 sessions).

How Books are Chosen

Current members will get to vote on the next book from a poll of 4 choices.

Optional WhatsApp group

There will be an optional WhatsApp group for more sharing and community between sessions.

About Michelle

  • Michelle Teasdale (Yeshe Lhatso)

    I have been on the Buddhist path for 15yrs, having experience in Zen, Western Buddhism and Tibetan lineages. I took my refuge vows (lay ordination) with Lama Tsultrim Allione. I also have a Master’s degree in Buddhist Studies.

How to Book

Please select both dates (30th Sept and 28th Oct) to complete your booking.

If you wish to offer a different amount of dana, drop me an email and we can arrange.