Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

One of the underpinning principles of both Yoga and Buddhism is that of ‘ahimsa’, or non-harming. I am driven by the desire to foster inclusion and to make trauma-informed, therapeutic yoga accessible to all people, including those who otherwise may not have access. I work to create an environment where the richness of diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and life experiences are appreciated and welcomed. I aim to foster the Buddhist Dharma principles of compassion, love, wisdom, and interdependence into my client relationships and personal practice path. I am committed to the journey of discovering and uprooting ignorance and unconscious bias regarding issues of racism and gender identity, among other forms of bias. I work within the wellness community to challenge unconscious compliance in a system of race-based oppression that has been part of our history from the beginning.

I support individuals and organizations that are tackling racism, white privilege, and white supremacy and the policies that sustain it or the status quo so they can continue their essential work. As a lay-ordained Tibetan Buddhist, I aim to embody ‘Aspirational Bodhicitta’ through the Four Immeasurables: compassion, kindness, empathetic joy, and equanimity in everyday life and actions to ensure they apply to everyone, including Black and Brown folks, and within the LGBTQIA+ community, of which I am a member. I strive to enact ‘Bodhicitta in Action’ through the Six Perfections: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom. 

I am committed to dismantling structures of inequality and achieving permanent change. Some of the ways I aim to promote restorative justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in my work are as follows:

  • Promote consistent respectful engagement

    • Include pronouns in my email signatures and Zoom accounts

    • Use inclusive language in all of my communications

  • Raise awareness

    • Share information about my JEDI efforts with my followers on social media and through my newsletter

    • Include a JEDI section on website

  • Align research agenda and practices

    • Stay current on JEDI best practices in the wellness industry

    • Ensure a respectful, diverse, equitable and inclusive client environment

    • Develop and support projects that benefit currently underserved communities

  • Support underrepresented groups

    • Include JEDI considerations in client intake

  • Make my expertise more easily accessible

    • Offer a variety of free practices, information and sessions, E.g. free Insight Timer library, Menopause Cafe, Substack Ayurveda blog, newsletter

    • Frequently share wellness insights with all subscribers and followers in an accessible and informative way

    • sliding-scale pricing structure to increase ease of accessing services

  • Promote personal learning

    • Regular self-development through personal practices aimed at dismantling implicit bias, E.g. Feeding Your Demons, Mandala practice

    • Regular participation in JEDI workshops, reading of literature and self-reflection

    • Develop a relevant JEDI resource list

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Resource List





This list is regularly reviewed. If you have a recommendation for inclusion on this list, please get in touch.