Online Menopause Cafe

Monthly sessions held on Zoom - FREE!

A Menopause Café is aimed at breaking down the stigma around menopause and increasing awareness of the impact of the menopause on those experiencing it, their family, friends and their colleagues.

A Menopause Café is a discussion group, open to all ages and genders: no talks, no experts, topics are chosen by participants.

The Menopause Café movement started in Perth , Scotland, in 2017 and has spread worldwide, with volunteers now hosting pop-up events in the UK, Bahrain, Mexico, USA, Austria and India. The charity also organise an annual Menopause Festival, #FlushFest.

Rachel Weiss, founder of the Menopause Café charity, says, “The Menopause Café is for everyone who wants to talk about the menopause, to share their stories, experiences and questions - all made that little bit easier with tea and cake.

“Unfortunately, many people feel that they should just ‘get on with’ the menopause, with some never talking to their friends or family about it. People can come along and just listen, or join in the discussions, hopefully leaving with a clearer sense of the impact of the menopause on those who are experiencing it, alongside their families, friends and colleagues.”

Kirsty Wark, patron of the Menopause Café Charity, says “ I am delighted to be a patron of this charity which is dedicated to get everyone talking about the menopause. This is the way to a healthier, happier future”.