Online Restorative Yoga Classes

DEEP REST - a monthly online Restorative Yoga + Nidra class

UPDATE 11th Sept 2024 - unfortunately I am unwell and today’s class is cancelled. I have contacted everyone who booked.

Second Wednesday of the month, 8pm - 9.15pm on Zoom

Restorative Yoga is a practice of deep rest. It involves harnessing the nervous system so that we can sink into deep relaxation, in both body and mind.

Key Features of Restorative Yoga:

  1. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Emphasizes relaxation rather than exertion, making it ideal for stress reduction and calming the mind.

  2. Use of Props: Props are extensively used to support the body in various poses, reducing strain and allowing the muscles to relax completely (you do not need special equipment, as we can use things you already have around your home, such as bed pillows and cushions).

  3. Long Holds: Poses are typically held for several minutes, sometimes up to 20 minutes, to allow for deep relaxation and release of tension.

  4. Gentle Poses: The poses are gentle and accessible, suitable for all levels, including beginners and those with physical limitations.

  5. Focus on Breath: Breath awareness and deep breathing are often incorporated to enhance relaxation and mindfulness.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga:

  • Reduces Stress: Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress hormones.

  • Improves Sleep: Helps improve the quality of sleep by calming the mind and body.

  • Increased Immunity: Reduces stress and promotes relaxation, which can enhance immune function.

  • Balances the Nervous System: Helps balance the nervous system, improving overall well-being.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation and a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. It is designed to systematically relax the body and mind while maintaining a level of awareness. This practice is deeply restorative and is used to reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote overall well-being. It is a great companion to Restorative Yoga.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra:

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety levels.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: Promotes better sleep by calming the mind and reducing insomnia.

  • Enhances Mental Clarity and Focus: Helps clear mental clutter and improve focus and concentration.

  • Supports Emotional Healing: Allows for the release of deeply held emotions and promotes emotional well-being.

  • Boosts Overall Health: Promotes overall physical and mental health by reducing stress and improving relaxation.

Book a class.

Cancellation policy:

You may cancel or reschedule a booking up to 24 hrs before the class / appointment time. If within 24 hrs of the session, I am unable to offer a refund. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are able to pay the full price, it allows me to offer a concessionary price to those in need. If you need 15% off the full price, use the code CONCESSION when booking.

UPDATE 11th Sept 2024 - unfortunately I am unwell and today’s class is cancelled. I have contacted everyone who booked.