Online Yin Yoga + Meditation + Poetry

Yin + meditation + poetry: a monthly online class

Fourth Wednesday of the month, 8pm - 9.15pm on Zoom

Yin Yoga is a meditative practice, where we hold shapes for 3-5 minutes. Stillness and attention are prioritised over ‘achieving’ a posture. It is a practice of self-inquiry.

This class combines yin yoga (deep stretching) with meditation, and is peppered with some poetry. The practice is suitable for everyone, even complete beginners to yoga and / or meditation. It is intended as a space for contemplation and inquiry, whilst finding stillness and a pause from the busyness of everyday life. Yin is an invitation to slow down and create space, both in body and mind.

Yin Yoga incorporates principles from Chinese Medicine such as acupressure points and meridians. It is thought that by holding the stretches for longer (3-5 minutes), we can access the meridians which reside deep in the fascia, and encourage the free-flow of energy throughout the body.

Each posture is also an opportunity to develop our attention and awareness.

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